The internet is flooded with stories of Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli getting engaged on Jnauary 1, 2017. The couple headed to Dehradun for a vacation with their families and ever since then there have been speculations about their engagement. Not just that, the Bachchans and the Ambanis were supposedly among the guests for their engagement party and they wereeven spotted at Dehradun’s Jolly Grant airport hereby adding fuel to fire. So are Virushka actually getting engaged? Well, sorry to disappoint you fans but the answer is NO! Anushka and Virat are not getting engaged or hitched in 2017. A spokesperson of Anushka shunned all such rumours calling them untrue. “The rumours surrounding Anushka and Virat’s engagement are untrue. They are on vacation,“ the spokesperson informed a leading daily.
“Many are saying that Virat is set to become the brand ambassador of Uttarakhand tourism and was personally invited by Chief Minister Harish Rawat. The CM wished him and Anushka a happy stay in his state. A grand bash has been planned for New Year’s Eve which will be attended by all the celebs in town,“ adds a source. (ALSO READ: Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli to get engaged on January 1, 2017?)
In the start of 2016 too there were reports that Virat and Anushka were ready to walk down the aisle but that didn’t happen. In fact they broke up soon after that and apparently Anushka was miffed with Virat because he had proposed marriage to her. However, they reconciled after a couple of months and ever since then lovebirds just can’t get enough of each other.So calm down you guys, the big day is not nearing anytime soon.
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